Whether you are focusing on your intention during an important spell or seeking to deepen your enlightenment through meditation, sometimes you may need a little help from your friends—nature’s herbs. These powerful allies can support you on your journey toward astral travel, enhance your meditative state, and increase the success of your rituals.
Herbs can be utilized in various ways: carrying them as charms (note that some may be toxic), drinking herbal infusions, chewing their leaves, or even smoking them. Each herb offers unique properties that can aid in your spiritual practice, making them invaluable tools for anyone looking to elevate their experience.
I've put together a list of powerful herbs. Included are their purpose, as well as any Spirit or Deity associations. I hope you find this useful on your path!
Magickal Uses: Used as a magickal wash for ritual tools and spaces, and worn as an amulet for protection.
Note: Poisonous, do not consume.
Also Called: Wolfsbane, Monkshood.
Deity Correlation: Associated with Hekate, goddess of witchcraft and the night.
Adder's Tongue
Magickal Uses: Stops gossip, promotes healing, and is sacred to serpent goddesses. Used in divination, lunar magick, and dream magick.
Also Called: Dogtooth Violet.
Deity Correlation: Linked to various serpent deities, including the goddess Lilith.
Althea Root
Magickal Uses: Enhances psychic powers and is used to calm anger. Burn or place in a sachet for protection.
Deity Correlation: Associated with the goddess Eir, the Norse goddess of healing.
Magickal Uses: Associated with clairvoyance and psychic powers. Carry in a sachet for enhancing divination and fertility.
Also Called: Bistort Root, Dragonwort.
Deity Correlation: Connected to the goddess Cerridwen, associated with transformation and inspiration.
Magickal Uses: Enhances psychic abilities, lust, and sex magick. Effective for rituals aimed at spiritual journeys and meditation.
Also Called: Love Leaf, Mexican Damiana.
Deity Correlation: Often linked to the goddess Venus/Aphrodite, associated with love and desire.
Magickal Uses: Increases psychic ability, improves memory, and encourages rationality. Useful in divination practices.
Also Called: Eye Bright, Euphrasia.
Deity Correlation: Associated with the goddess Brigid, who symbolizes wisdom and healing.
Magickal Uses: Promotes astral travel, enhances psychic abilities, and is useful in dream work. Place around divination tools to increase their power.
Also Called: Artemisia, Felon Herb.
Deity Correlation: Linked to Hekate, the Greek goddess of magic and the moon, associated with dreams and intuition.
Magickal Uses: Associated with fertility, prosperity, and love. Used in spells for abundance and to induce altered states of consciousness. The seeds can promote heightened awareness and relaxation.
Also Called: Opium Poppy, Mawseed.
Deity Correlation: Associated with Demeter, the goddess of the harvest, and Hypnos, the god of sleep.
Magickal Uses: Associated with love and divination, particularly related to relationships.
Deity Correlation: Linked to Venus, goddess of love and beauty.
Magickal Uses: Increases vibrations and is used in spells for healing and purification. Can enhance psychic abilities in magickal workings.
Also Called: Brandy Mint, Lammint.
Deity Correlation: Associated with Hermes, the messenger god, symbolizing communication and clarity.
Magickal Uses: Assists in the disclosure of secrets and the resolution of mysteries, enhancing divination.
Also Called: English Cowslip, Butter Rose.
Deity Correlation: Linked to Persephone, goddess of spring and rebirth, representing new beginnings.
St. John's Wort
Magickal Uses: Enhances psychic abilities and protects against black witchcraft. Also used in divination.
Also Called: Saint John's Wort, Goat Weed.
Deity Correlation: Associated with the sun and the spirit of St. John, symbolizing light and protection.
Yarrow Flower
Magickal Uses: Used for healing, weddings, and divination. Enhances psychic opening and courage.
Also Called: Bloodwort, Death Flower.
Deity Correlation: Associated with the goddess Brigid and linked to the warrior spirit, representing strength and healing.
Magickal Uses: Associated with raising the dead, protection against evil, and enhancing psychic abilities. Used for contacting spirits.
Deity Correlation: Linked to Hekate, the goddess of magic, and the underworld, often associated with immortality and transformation.
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